Personal Training
The coaching staff at Movement Republic is available for even more personalized training and skill work. We are always available to discuss your goals but if normal class time isn’t quite enough, or if you are not currently an MR member, each coach offers additional programming and skill work personalized to you!
Are you looking to do extra work on muscle ups, double-unders or mobility but aren’t sure where to start? Are you unsure how to utilize the extra time available with the new 24/7 hours? Let the MR coaches help you maximize your time and membership and provide you a one-on-one training experience. Each of our coaches will offer a 30 min free intro session for MR members to discuss goals and a training proposal. We have special pricing for all MR members and are willing to take on outside guests.
See pricing and contact info for each coach on their page
30 minute sessions available
Ask about a discount when you buy a package